
Businessmodel of Quick Heal Technologies

Customer Segments

Quick Heal has a segmented market business model, with customer groups that have slightly different needs. The company targets its offerings at consumers, businesses, and governments.

Value Proposition

Quick Heal offers two primary value propositions: risk reduction and brand/status.

The company reduces risk by maintaining high quality and security standards. It has earned the following certifications:

  • ISO 27001 certification for its R&D Labs
  • ISO 20000 certification for its Technical Support Center
  • ISO 9001 certification for its quality management processes It also reduces risk by actively encouraging security researchers to report any security vulnerabilities they discover in the company’s products. Its security team responds within five business days, and if the information results in a change in coding then the researchers are given a reward.

The company has established a strong brand due to its success. It has over 1,300 employees operating out of36 cities across India. It has an active license user base of over seven million and has completed over 24 million product installations. Lastly, it has won many honors, including the following:

  • Recognition as the “Top Trademark Driven Industry Firm (Small & Medium Enterprise)” by the CII Industrial Intellectual Property Awards
  • The NCN Most Innovative Product of the Year Award in the Anti-Virus category
  • Info Security PG Global Excellence Awards
  • IMC Information Technology Award for Excellence in Information Technology Products (Small and Medium Enterprise category) by Indian Merchants Chamber
  • Recognition as one of the Mumbai Hot 50 Brands in the B2C category ### Channels

Quick Heal’s main channel is its direct sales team. It also sells its offerings through a network of registered resellers, distributors, and system integrators. The company promotes its offerings through its website, social media pages, and participation in conferences.

Customer Relationships

Quick Heal’s customer relationship is primarily of a self-service, automated nature. Customers utilize its products while having limited interaction with employees.

The company’s website enables clients to renew their licenses and download software, updates, and upgrades. It also provides answers to frequently asked questions.

That said, there is a personal assistance component in the form of 24x7 phone service, as well as online chat and e-mail customer service. There is also a community element in the form of a forum where customers can interact.

Key Activities

Quick Heal’s business model entails designing and developing its software for customers.

Key Partners

Quick Heal’s key partners are the resellers, distributors, and system integrators that help it to sell its products. It provides these partners with training and marketing support, as well as incentives.

Key Resources

Quick Heal’s main resources are its human resources – namely its research and development team, which includes the following sub-teams:

  • Business Logic Team - Builds product roadmaps and devises appropriate strategies
  • Product Development Team – Designs and develops products and solutions
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Security Team – Identifies opportunities in the IoT area and develops solutions for home automation security
  • Quality Assurance Team - Measures, evaluates, and monitors processes to prevent product errors
  • Incidence Response Team - Provide rapid response emergency situations/incidents
  • Threat Research and Response Team - Offers responses to threats such as viruses and malwares The company also depends on sales employees to promote its solutions and customer service employees to provide support. Lastly, it has relied on funding from investors, raising $13 million as of August 2010.

Cost Structure

Quick Heal has a cost-driven structure, aiming to minimize expenses through significant automation. Its biggest cost driver is likely sales/marketing, a fixed cost. Other major drivers are in the areas of customer support/operations and administration, both fixed costs.

Revenue Streams

Quick Heal has one revenue stream: revenues it generates from the sale of its software products to customers.

Written on October 25, 2017