
Businessmodel of NNIT

Customer Segments

NNIT has a segmented market model, with customer groups that have slightly different needs. The company targets its offerings at firms in the life sciences and finance industries and the public sector.

Value Proposition

NNIT offers three primary value propositions: performance, risk reduction, and brand/status.

The company demonstrates strong performance through tangible results. Specific examples of positive outcomes for customers include the following:

  • Rundo used NNIT’s solutions to manage data, resulting in a guaranteed error rate of less than 0.03 percent and the ability to handle paper and electronic data within the same system
  • Lundbeck used NNIT’s solutions for its IT testing processes, resulting in a reduction in testing time of 30-50% and improved testing quality
  • PPC used NNIT’s solutions to optimize its operation system, resulting in a 50-85% reduction in implementation costs compared with standard consultation services
  • Choice Pharma used NNIT’s solutions to support its clinical trials , resutling in a reduction in the amount of time it spends managing clinical trial documents The company reduces risk by maintaining high quality and security standards. It maintains philosophies called “Right Quality” and “Right Security”, which articulate its ambition to live up to the security and quality needs of individual clients and determine the right level for each solution.

The company has established a strong brand due to its success. It is one of Denmark’s three largest IT service providers/consultancies. It has over 2,600 employees and generated revenues of DKK 2.6 billion in 2015. Lastly, it has a number of prominent customers, including Novo Nordisk Group, Arla Foods, DSB, PFA, Saxo Bank, PenSam, Nykredit, Vestas, Danish Crown, and Cowi.


NNIT’s main channel is its direct sales team. The company promotes its offerings through its website, social media pages, and participation in webinars, seminars, and conferences.

Customer Relationships

NNIT’s customer relationship is primarily of a personal assistance nature. The company’s employees work with employees on a close basis to deliver its various services.

Key Activities

NNIT’s business model entails designing, developing, and delivering its services to its customers.

Key Partners

NNIT’s key partners are the suppliers that provide the materials it needs to manage its operations.

Key Resources

NNIT’s main resources are its human resources, who include the technology employees that design, develop, and deliver its services, the sales staff members that promote and sell them, and the customer service personnel that provide support.

Cost Structure

NNIT has a value-driven structure, aiming to provide a premium proposition through significant personal service and frequent service enhancements.

Its biggest cost driver is cost of goods sold, a variable cost. Other major drivers are in the areas of sales/marketing and administration, both fixed costs.

Revenue Streams

NNIT has one revenue stream: revenues it generates from the sales of its services to its customers. Sales typically occur through the signing of short- and long-term contracts.

Written on October 25, 2017