
Businessmodel of Instart Logic

Customer Segments

Instart Logic has a niche market business model, with a specialized customer segment. The company targets its offerings at online companies such as Internet retailers and SaaS application publishers.

Value Proposition

Instart Logic offers three primary value propositions: convenience, performance, and brand/status.

The company creates convenience by making its offering easy to use. The solution is an end-to-end platform that enables clients to control resource access, understand the load sequence of web pages, and enable streamed fragments from the Cloud to be visible within the end user’s browser. Further, it automatically adapts to changes in user behavior and network devices and conditions.

The company has demonstrated strong performance through tangible results for customers. High-profile examples of positive outcomes include the following:

  • The Washington Post used Instart Logic’s solution to achieve a 70% decrease in page load times for image-rich pages
  • Commune Hotels used Instart Logic’s solution to improve website load times, resulting in a 90% increase in performance
  • Kongregate used Instart Logic’s solution to achieve a 50% decrease in time-to-play for browser-based video games
  • used Instart Logic’s solution to accelerate web application delivery, resulting in a 40% increase in web performance The company has established a strong brand due to its performance. It bills itself as the world’s first endpoint-aware application delivery solution. Its clients include many prominent firms, including Office Depot, the Dollar Shave Club, and the Washington Post. Lastly, it has won many honors, including a Golden Bridge award (2013), a “Best Cloud Infrastructure“ award from the Cloud Awards (2015), and placement on lists such as the OnCloud Top 100 and the Red Herring 100 North America.


Instart Logic’s main channel is its direct sales team. The company promotes its offering through its website, social media pages, and participation in summits, trade shows, and conferences.

Customer Relationships

Instart Logic’s customer relationship is primarily of a personal assistance nature. The company maintains the Instart Logic Global Support Team, which provides customer service 24/7 through phone, e-mail, and online channels. It also maintains a Site Reliability Team that monitors customer traffic and tries to resolve problems before they happen, or address them within 30 minutes.

Despite this orientation, there is a self-service component. The company’s website features a “Resources” section that includes numerous self-help tools, including articles, research reports, white papers, case studies, analyst insights, data sheets, infographics, eBooks, webinars, and videos.

Key Activities

Instart Logic’s business model entails maintaining and updating its cloud platform for customers.

Key Partners

Instart Logic maintains partnerships with service and solution providers focused on web performance, application delivery, and security. Its two main types of alliances are as follows:

  • Referral/Resell Program Partners – The company invites other firms to refer their customers to its solution. Alternatively, they can resell its offerings to their clients, adding to their bottom line.
  • Technology Partners – The company works with hardware, software, and service providers in the areas of performance analytics, mobile, infrastructure, and security. It invites them to integrate their products into its solutions or to use its solutions to provide enhanced offerings to their customers. Partners are allowed to participate in co-marketing initiatives at industry events. Specific partners include:

    ·         Amazon Web Services

Written on October 25, 2017