
Businessmodel of Exilant Technologies

Customer Segments

Exilant provides a range of software solutions to a diverse network of commercial and institutional clients. On its website, Exilant organises its clients into eight principal target industries:

  • Retail, comprising a range of physical, digital, and multi-channel retailers across multiple fields, to which the Company provides a range of software and technology solutions;
  • Pharmaceutical, comprising pharmaceutical producers, research and development companies, and pharmaceutical distributors;
  • Banking and Financial Services, comprising a range of financial service providers, such as insurance companies and credit providers, as well as commercial and retail banking institutions;
  • Textile and Apparel, comprising textile and apparel manufacturers, material suppliers, and other textile businesses;
  • Technology and Software, comprising independent software vendors, software developers, technology companies, and device manufacturers;
  • Consumer Goods, comprising producers and distributors of a wide range of consumer products, including food and beverage products, cosmetics, and household items;
  • Construction, comprising property developers, construction companies, and other specialist industrial and commercial contractors; and
  • Public Sector, comprising a range local, state, and federal government bodies and public bodies. Exilant is based in India, where it serves a large customer base. The Company also maintains operations and serves clients across the US, Asia Pacific, and Europe.

Value Propositions

Exilant provides value to its clients in the following ways:

  • Its industry standing and reputation, with the Company established as a notable provider of software solutions to commercial entities, with a positive track record and reputation within the industry;
  • Its diverse and flexible service offerings, with the Company offering a wide range of software solutions and related services that cover the needs of clients across multiple industries, including the financial services, retail, and consumer goods sectors;
  • Its proprietary technologies, with the Company utilising various proprietary technologies in the development and implementation of its various solutions, enabling it to offer unique and innovative products;
  • Its efficient and transparent engagement model, with the Company utilising an indigenous framework through which the majority of its solutions are delivered, which seeks to accommodate changes and avoid hidden cost escalations; and
  • Its international reach, with the Company serving a large international client base, and maintaining an operational presence across Asia Pacific, the US, and Europe. ### Channels

Exilant operates a website at www.exilant.com, through which it provides information on its various services, solutions, target industries and operating locations. While the Company provides a range of software solutions, the Company does not operate an online sales channel. Nor does it operate an online client portal, through which customers can manage their accounts. Customers can, however, register an interest in the Company’s various products via email or through an online contact form.

Exilant makes its sales primarily through its in-house direct sales force, which is organised by geographic region. The Company maintains sales and administrative offices across Asia Pacific, Europe, and the US, including locations in India, the UK, Singapore, and Switzerland, through which its sales personnel operate.

Exilant additionally utilises the services of third party channel partners to extend its sales and marketing reach, particularly in various international markets. These partners include value added resellers, distributors, and sales agents.

Customer Relationships

Despite its software offerings and its online presence, Exilant does not make sales to its clients on a self-service basis. The Company does, however, allow clients to register an interest in its products independently through an online contact form.

Exilant makes its sales primarily through its in-house sales force, the members of which consult closely with clients in order to ensure that their individual needs are met. Where possible, the Company seeks to provide solutions that are tailored and scaled to suit its customers on a client-by-client basis, with a view to establishing long-term relationships and securing recurring business.

Exilant offers ongoing support to its clients, who are able to contact the company over the phone, via email, or through an online contact form in order to access personalised guidance. The Company provides information on its various products and solutions on its website, but does not publish online support resources.

Exilant does, however, operate several social media accounts – including with Facebook, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter – through which it is able to publish company updates and interact directly with customers.

Key Activities

Exilant is provider of information technology services and software solutions specialising in business offerings.

The Company’s solutions include application lifecycle management, infrastructure lifecycle management, and product lifecycle management products that serve a range of commercial and institutional clients across multiple sectors, including the financial services, retail, consumer goods, public sector, technology, and construction industries.

The Company serves clients around the world, and maintains an operational presence in markets across north America, Asia Pacific, and Europe, including in the US, India, the UK, Switzerland, and Singapore.

Key Partners

Exilant works closely with a network of partner companies and organisations in order to ensure that its solutions are effective and reliable. These partners can be organised broadly into the following categories:

  • Supplier and Vendor Partners, comprising suppliers of services, equipment, and technologies that are utilised in the development and implementation of the Company’s various solutions, as well as companies to which certain non-technical functions can be outsourced;
  • Channel and Distribution Partners, comprising the Company’s network of resellers, distributors, and sales agents that assist in extending the Company’s sales and marketing reach across various jurisdictions;
  • Technology Partners, comprising various technology companies and software developers that assist in developing the Company’s software solutions and maintaining its IT and communications infrastructure; and
  • Strategic and Alliance Partners, comprising companies across multiple sectors with which the Company collaborates on a range of joint projects, including in marketing and branding. Exilant has launched a number of strategic partnerships in recent years. It has partnerships in place with HDFC Bank in India and a technology and integration with Genpact.

Key Resources

Exilant’s key resources are its proprietary technologies and intellectual properties, its software solutions and service offerings, its IT and communications infrastructure, its sales and distribution channels, its partnerships, and its personnel.

Exilant utilises a range of proprietary technologies in the development and implementation of its solutions. Searches of records published by the US Patent and Trademark Office identified several patent applications in which Exilant was named either as applicant or assignee, including applications entitled ‘Increased communication security’, ‘Communication with accessories’ and ‘Method and system for client-side user interface enhancement to enable application integration and portalisation’.

Exilant additionally owns and or leases a number of physical properties around the world that comprise the Company’s network of sales and administrative offices.

Cost Structure

Exilant incurs costs in relation to the development of its technologies and solutions, the maintenance of its IT and communications infrastructure, the operation of its sales and distribution channels, the procurement of professional services, the implementation of marketing and advertising campaigns, and the retention of its personnel.

Revenue Streams

Exilant generates revenue through the provision of various business-focused information technology services and software solutions to clients across the financial services, retail, consumer goods, construction, public sector, and textile industries. The Company derives its revenue under sales and service contracts agreed with its clients on a case-by-case basis.

Exilant remains a privately owned company, and as such it is not obliged to publish its financial results online. Research did not identify any media reporting concerning the Company’s revenue performance.

Written on October 25, 2017